Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Glimpse of Hope

IN my previous post: We Must Find a Way, I presented the idea regarding finding real solutions to prevent catastrophes brought about by Super Typhoons, Rising Tides and other calamities that comes with Global Warming and Climate Change. 

It is good to know that scientists are now working on projects to save this planet from destruction by Turning Greenhouse Gases into Fuel in order to reduce the amount of carbon and other greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere in order to reverse global warming.

While governments slacks in  implementing measures to reduce fossil fuel use and migrate to renewable sources of energy, it must support researches, projects like this one and encourage more groups to do the same.  It must find, by all means, find more ways to get rid of harmful gases to ensure the survival of the human race.

The quest to save Mother Earth is ON. Turning greenhouse gases into fuel is just the beginning. Much is needed to be done. Let's look forward for more.   


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